I am the WORST when it comes to new year resolutions and that's OK. I accepted that about myself a long time ago. And yet I understand the importance of setting intentions and goals and so for me, once the euphoria of the holidays fade and I catch the vibe the new year is actually giving off, I'll sit down and think about what lies ahead for me. And here is what I got:
This is the year for my photography to turn a corner. After having 2 children and trying to start a business in the middle of a global pandemic, I have made excuse after excuse as to why I couldn't possibly do this full time. That stops now.
Goal: 300 photoshoots -- Booth at Scissortail Farmers Market -- 3 art exhibits/shows
There are perks to maintaining a full slate of shoots, and financially it would open several doors for me and the family. When you book a session with me or refer a client, you're helping me get closer to some big things!
Goal: GEAR. Camera. Lens. Lighting. Computer. I'd love a refresh on all of it but even if I can upgrade a couple of these things, it'll benefit my work immensely.
VACATION. My wife is a third grade teacher and deserves ALL of the vacations, but we've really had to scale back on travel for the last couple of years. Greece is currently at the top of her list and I'd really love to give it to her. And travel is how this whole photography thing started in the first place so it's always a great way for me to recharge my creativity and shoot just for me.
And last but not least, I have recently been presented with a wildly rewarding (and expensive) opportunity that I really want to pursue. It would allow me to start a new career and push the limits of my photography to astronomical heights.
Goal: Flight School -- January 2023
Being a pilot would eventually give me the ability to travel whenever and wherever allowing me to focus a lot more time on travel and landscape photography, while also extending my reach as a photographer. I dream of photographing the sunrise in Banff National Park followed by a wedding at the Fairmont Chateau on Lake Louise, capturing the Japanese countryside during the day and street photography in Tokyo at night, or perhaps a three day safari in the Australian outback followed by family sessions overlooking the Sydney Harbor. I'm dreaming big here, but what are goals if you're not pushing a little?
If you've made it this far, you're probably already invested in me or my business and I can't thank you enough for that. I'll need a pretty sharp focus and YOUR help to reach these goals of mine so I've set up a points system to give a little back.
Refer a client: 1 Point
Book a session: 2 Points
Purchase additional images: 1 Point
Purchase additional products: 1 Point
Follow me on social media: 1 Point
Leave a review on my business Facebook page: 1 Point
Purchase from the print shop: 2 Points
Refer a wedding client: 5 points
Every 5 points are good for a 20 minute shoot in 2022 - a $99 value!
So much of my work comes from word of mouth and social media. Likes, comments, and shares help boost my posts making them visible to more people and it's FREE so it's a really really big way that you can support my work, even if you don't need a session.
Alright, that's all I've got for now. Feel free to send me all of the love and encouragement you have and here's to a kick ass '22!